Real Issues Raw Truth

By Chris Burge Ministries (other events)

Saturday, October 10 2015 9:00 AM 3:00 PM EDT

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We live in an era where men are confronted with more stumbling blocks than ever before.  Two main impediments prevent men from overcoming these obstacles and becoming all that God called them to be: they do not have a safe place to discuss the issues, and they are not being educated or equipped to deal with complex contemporary issues. The Solid Rock of Atlanta invites you to join us for a conference where Chris Burge will reveal the heart of issues men face and encourage you to live the life that God has in store for you!

Speaker: Chris L Burge

Admission: This is a free event. All men (ages 12 and up) are welcome. 

Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. 


Why does The Solid Rock of Atlanta host this conference?

  •      To see men open up their hearts to the Grace and Love of God
  •     To see men grow in their relationship with The Lord
  •     To see men grow in their relationship with their wife and children
  •     To see men grow in their relationship with each other
  •     To see men fulfill their individual God-ordained destiny 



The LORD has put on Chris' heart an overwhelming desire to help men be victorious in facing life issues. Depending on how men deal with these issues, men will either function effectively in their God-given roles as husbands, fathers, and leaders in the workplace and community, or else allow confusion, conflict, and uncertainty to reign through the vacuum of leadership. With this in mind, Chris organized Chris Burge Ministries as a vehicle to provide timely, needs-based guidance and tools to minister to local congregations and Christian communities at large. Through Chris Burge Ministries, he has developed a substantial number of teaching modules and workshops, which focus on Bible-based, practical wisdom for dealing with a number of common life issues. Chris Burge Ministries places a special emphasis on ministry to singles, and has presented at conferences, which focused on life issues of particular concern to them, such as Discovering Your Purpose, God’s Financial Plan, Overcoming Depression, and Finding Fulfillment in Life. 

Chris Burge Ministries  |  PO Box 230268, New York, NY 10023-0268 



Van and Regina Smith (Senior Pastors) founded ‘The Solid Rock of Atlanta’ in March of 1998.  The Vision the Lord impressed on their hearts is for ‘The Solid Rock of Atlanta’ to be “a Spirit-filled, multicultural church, where the love of Jesus breaks down mans’ walls of separation, including socio-economic, racial and denominational barriers while equipping the saints with the unconditional love of Christ, through the balance of grace and faith.”  Pastor Van is passionate about helping men open up the understanding of their hearts to the unconditional Love and Grace of God which leads to a victorious life.  

The Solid Rock of Atlanta  | 3740 Dekalb Technology Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30340 



EncourageMen's mission is to build strong and eternal relationships with God and with men.  As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend (Proverbs 27:17).  “We knew that these types of Godly relationships would equip us to continue the fight for our lives and our families.  Early on, we adopted the passion to become the priest of our home and have a substantial impact on our family and our community.”  What began with three men in 2009 has grown into bi-weekly meetings that average 20+ men who are looking for encouragement from fellow brothers in Christ; men who need answers to tough questions in marriage, career, family, faith, etc… EncourageMen has become part of their process to finding the solution with a foundation of Christ. 

EncourageMen Ministries  |  3594 Centerville Hwy, Snellville, GA 30039